Ausin Texas Physical Therapy


Enjoy Life Without Pain


Spine and lower back pain

When you are injured or in pain, the power to get help is in your hands. And the power to get you out of discomfort is in ours.

At Central Texas Physical Therapy we use our experience, advanced training and treatment skills to pinpoint the source of your problem. Then we use precision treatments to bring you relief as quickly as possible.

Below is a list of our services to see how we can help you get back to doing what you love.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is used to treat myofascial pain syndrome which comes from “trigger points.” Trigger points, or muscle knots, are sensitivity and tightness of the soft tissues that surround the affected muscles. Myofascial release (MFR) decreases pain by reducing the tightness in the trigger points.

In MFR, the therapist applies sustained, yet gentle, pressure to the affected area allowing the connective tissue to release. This eliminates pain as well as restore normal motion. Patients who would have loss normal range of motion as well as pain with movement in the neck, back shoulder or hips would benefit from myofascial treatment.

A technique under MFR is soft tissue mobilization (STM). Soft tissue mobilization can help break up scar tissue, improve circulation, stretch tendons and relax muscles. Massage is just one of many examples of STM.

Manual Physical Therapy

A “hands-on” form of therapy used as treatment of soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and joints. Joint stiffness or pain may be caused by injury to the soft tissues. Physical therapists use evidence-based techniques to massage, stretch, mobilize and strengthen the affected tissues, thus, restoring range of motion and decreasing pain.

Manual therapy in conjunction with myofascial release can restore the body to their optimal level of performance.

Neuromuscular Re-Education

Neuromuscular re-education helps patients regain functional activity after an injury or trauma. Poor posture, injuries and overuse can lead to poor biomechanics which then lead to inefficient movement and can cause additional pain. Activities involve balance and core control which help improve coordination, posture, and proprioception.

Neuromuscular reeducation exercises help restore energy-efficient movement patterns and decrease pain that may be caused by neuromuscular imbalance.

Spine and Low Back Pain

Physical therapy is commonly referred to patients with low back pain. The goals of physical therapy are to decrease back pain, increase function, and teach the patient proper posture and exercises to prevent future back problems. Treatment can include stretching and strengthening the affected tissues. Other therapy can include modalities such as the use of heat packs as well as electrical stimulation.
Improving a patient’s cardiovascular capacity can also decrease the number of occurrences of low back pain.

Orthopedic Injuries

Orthopedics refers to the structures in the human body of the musculoskeletal system. They include joints, muscles, ligaments and tendon.
Physical therapy helps correct abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system with corrective treatments such as but not limited to stretching, strengthening, heat-treatment and massage. Common orthopedic injuries include:

  1. Arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis
  2. Back and neck injuries
  3. Leg, knee, ankle, and foot injuries
  4. Shoulder, elbow and hand pain
  5. Ligament sprains and muscle strains
  6. Carpal tunnel syndrome
  7. Whiplash

Physical therapy will help with decreasing a patient’s pain, improve their functionality, lifestyle and independence.

Orthopedics in Austin tx